Monday, April 4, 2011

Recession on the Inudstry

The impact of the recession on the energy industry boils down to which part of the energy one is discussing. There are negatives and positives. The recession causes people to have less money in their wallets, thus, it's feasible to presume that people will cut back on traveling by car. The effect of this is less trips to the gas station in an attempt to minimize spending. The less people buying gas, the less money oil companies make. But, as this allows for different sectors of the energy industry to grow. With a growing political movement to end dependence on foreign oil comes a greater emphasis on how America can produce the energy with which it needs. This enables alternative forms of energy to be implemented. Therefore, companies which which desired to go into solar, wind, thermo, or nuclear energy have better chances of receiving funds from the government.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely important for people to recognize the importance of alternative energy sources. Perhaps you're right, and this recession is a blessing in disguise for the alternative energy industry and, in turn, the environment.
