In a surprising and exciting move, GE announced it will build the world's largest solar panel plant to become "a major player" in the industry. The plant is planning on employing "400 workers and create 600 related jobs." GE is already a huge player in the wind energy industry and with this new purchase, signs point to them becoming a big player in the solar energy business as well. This plan could really expand their company and really help solar energy grow.
As an alternative energy supporter, I am excited about this news. I believe solar energy is a great business and is one that should be invested in. It is one of the largest and fastest growing energy industries in the world. I think GE made a smart decision by giving this plant the go-ahead. Not only will it create more clean energy, this plant will create a lot more jobs. Not to mention the fact that GE is a very well established company that knows how to make money and stay green. With a name like GE as a major player in the industry, solar energy could continue to rise at an astounding rate.
Also exciting bout GE's decision to invest in solar energy is the influence this will have on other companies. Some may be inspired to begin working in the solar energy industry because they trust that if GE is doing so, it is worth investing in. Others may begin promoting solar energy because they want to create any kind of competition for GE.